
As we know, the world of cryptocurrency is developing and many projects and ecosystems are developed based on blockchain technology. Today I will introduce you to a project to promote the growth of micro, small and medium businesses in emerging markets using Tokoin blockchain technology.

Has it ever crossed your mind that the things you use every day and the things you don't even use are the work of people's brains. This includes all goods and services that you use or that are around you. Those who make our lives easier and that we admire, all of this is the work of someone's hand. Yes, they are brilliant ideas from several and they are the economic connecting structures known as Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). If there are people who are reading this now who do not have basic knowledge about this, I will explain it better in this article. Let's get started.

Tokoin is a platform of blockchain technology to help small businesses to reach their potential by utilizing data. With members who have joined TOKOIN, it is possible for tokoin users to build a trustworthy profile for all stakeholders in the ecosystem.

This project aims to use blockchain technology in building the true identity and reputation of MSMEs. Tokoin uses a blockchain based solution that enables customers of a given platform to create credible profiles for all parties involved in the ecosystem.

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises have proven to be a bridge between those in the upper layers of society and those in the lower ranks, but this significant portion of society has struggled with insufficient funds that have limited its influence in bridging this gap. With this review of funding challenges, established brands have taken advantage of this inability to monopolize the system and even strangle a number of MSMEs that are trying to survive in this situation. It is not too much for me to say that if this continues without finding a solution for it, the economy will suffer greatly because MSMEs will not be able to contribute their quota to the overall economic growth of a country.

What is the TOKOIN Mission?

  • Build MSME profiles to ensure the integrity of their data
  • Make a virtual ledger for each MSME transaction
  • Reducing barriers to financial inclusion by providing reputation assessments
  • A sustainable business model that allows MSMEs to do on a higher scale. Improving the economic capability of the entire MSME ecosystem
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How are the benefits of MSME from TOKOIN?

  • Create a credible business profile for them, by processing the user's non-financial data to build a credit rating
  • Enable easy access to funding applications
  • Able to get lower prices through aggregate purchases
  • Earning points for making transactions, which can be exchanged for discounts or services
  • Partners can conduct market research and / or harmonize product planning and pricing with lower research costs.
  • Partners can request user profiles that meet the requirements that meet their customer / partnership criteria.

How the Tokoin Platform Works
The first thing a business owner must do is register his business on the platform and it is very easy to do. You only need to fill in the registration form and provide all your personal information and also information about your company. Information about your business will include classification, registration, location, etc. After successfully registering on the platform, a business ID will be given to you that you will always use to access your account and after doing this, you will be able to know and connect with other MSMEs in the ecosystem and meet many lenders and financial institutions that review many businesses that is worth investing in the Tokoin ecosystem.


Benefits of the Tokoin Platform
The benefits of the Tokoin platform are very visible to everyone. Because through MSMEs it will be an opportunity to get funding or loans from banks and other legal lenders for their business. Also, they will have the opportunity to increase the level and quality of their businesses so as to create more jobs that solve the unemployment problem in a country and bridge the financial gap between the rich and the poor. Furthermore, as the Tokoin platform continues to evolve and evolve, there will be a large database on the blockchain where each company transaction history will be the building block to improve the level of their business reputation and become an inseparable part of the Tokoin ecosystem.

With this, the creation of the Tokoin platform will fulfill many requirements for banking institutions, their credit systems and many others involved in trading activities using a blockchain transparency lever in order to improve the value of assets that support the operation of the Tokoin ecosystem.

Tokoin Token
Tokoin Tokens known as STORES will be the fuel that will empower the operation of the platform and the main use cases are for users to transfer with them on the platform and receive as incentives to register and for new payment ideas and services offered in the ecosystem. With that, platform users can also trade data and also arrange various types of promotions which will further enhance their reputation and activity levels in the platform.

Initially, tokens must be based on ERC-20, which will be converted if the team decides to move to another main net.

Token Details
Token Name: TOKO
ICO Token Type: ERC-20
Token Supply: 2,000,000,000 STORES
Sales Tokens: 700,000,000 STORES (Supply 35% Tokens)
Hardcap: $ 25,000,000
Softcap: $ 8,000,000

Token Allocation
ICO Contributors - 35%
Industrial Funds - 40%
Treasury - 10%
Team & Initial Contributors - 10%
Adviser - 5%

Use of funds
Product Development - 50%
Marketing & BD - 35%
Operation - 10%
Reserve - 5%

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Q4 2018
● Selling Tokoin Tokens through Personal Sales and Pre-Sales
● Development & distribution of Tokoin Wallet

Q1 2019
● Grand Launching Tokoin
● Selling Tokoin Tokens through crowd sales

Q2 2019
● On-board Blockchain Advisor for the Tokoin ecosystem
● Launch of POC on TestNet

Q3 2019
● On-board Warehousing Partners for the Tokoin ecosystem
● On-board Financial Partner for the Tokoin ecosystem
● Expansion of local operations to 10 first-level cities in Indonesia

Q4 2019
● Launch of the Data Reputation engine
● Launch of the Data Visualization platform
● Launch of the Partner Suite platform
● On the whiteboard of 50,000 users in the Tokoin ecosystem

Q1 2020
● Launching dApps on MainNet
● Launch of the Tokoin POS system
● Launch of the Data Exchange platform for the Token buildup and loyalty program
● Expansion of local operations to all capital cities in Indonesia
● 10,000 users in the integrated Tokoin POS system

Q2 2020
● Launch of the Tokoin POS System
● Expansion of the hyper-local pilot operation to Thailand
● On-board 1000 users in the Tokoin ecosystem in regional hyper-local markets
● Development of AI Solutions for Tokoin to improve Operations

Q3 2020
● Expansion of hyper-local operations to Vietnam and the Philippines
● Over 500,000 users in the Tokoin ecosystem on the Indonesian market
● Expansion of local operations to the top 10 cities in Indonesia
● On board 50,000 users in the Tokoin ecosystem

Q4 2020
● Placement of AI as part of Business Intelligence Capability
● Introduction of the Forecast & Prediction platform to the Tokoin ecosystem

Q1 2021
● Integration of AI solutions for Financing and Logistics partners

Q2 2021
● Expansion of hyper-local operations to other potential emerging markets
● Over 10,000 users in the Tokoin hyper-local ecosystem

MSMEs will enjoy Tokoin innovations and will bridge the social gap. I am very confident that this project is likely to be great because their focus is on well-identified problems. Also the team and the advisors behind it are also a plus and this is not seen in their way about everything and the trust that their investors have in them which is evident in the price of tokens.

Detailed Information:
https: //www.quora .com / profile / Tokoin-Official-1

Author: Yassin